How to fertilize your houseplants

A Comprehensive Guide to Fertilizing Plants for Optimal Growth

A Comprehensive Guide to Fertilizing Plants for Optimal Growth

As any seasoned gardener knows, proper fertilization is a crucial factor in promoting healthy plant growth and maximizing yields. Fertilizers provide essential nutrients that plants need to thrive, supplementing the soil's natural nutrient content. In this blog post, we will explore the fundamentals of fertilizing plants, including different types of fertilizers, application methods, and best practices to ensure your plants receive the nourishment they need.

Understanding Plant Nutrient Requirements: Before diving into the details of fertilization, it's important to understand the primary nutrients that plants require:

  • Nitrogen (N): Promotes leaf and stem growth.
  • Phosphorus (P): Stimulates root development, flowering, and fruiting.
  • Potassium (K): Aids overall plant health, disease resistance, and the production of sugars and starches.

Apart from these primary macronutrients, plants also require secondary nutrients like calcium, magnesium, and sulfur, as well as micronutrients like iron, manganese, and zinc in smaller quantities.

Types of Fertilizers:

  • Organic Fertilizers: Derived from natural sources such as compost, manure, bone meal, and fish emulsion, organic fertilizers provide a slow-release of nutrients and improve soil structure over time.
  • Inorganic Fertilizers: Also known as synthetic or chemical fertilizers, these are manufactured and typically contain specific concentrations of nutrients. They provide an immediate nutrient boost to plants but may have a higher risk of nutrient runoff and environmental impact.
  • Controlled-Release Fertilizers: These fertilizers release nutrients gradually over an extended period, ensuring a steady supply for the plants. They are available in both organic and inorganic forms.
  • Liquid Fertilizers: Applied as a liquid solution, these fertilizers are fast-acting and easily absorbed by plants through their roots or foliage.

If you are wondering what we use at Plant Love 4 Me here are the type of fertilizers and supplements we use:

MaxSea 16/16/16-You can use any fertilizer of your choice, but we recommend at least 15 for the middle number which helps promote root growth. A little of this goes a long way.

You can also use Schultz All Purpose 10-15-10 Plant Food Plus. I use this sometimes as well. Both are pretty good. You can find both on Amazon.

We add Mycorrhizal Fungi Root Enhancer-This works great for Plants to be Bigger, Stronger, Healthier Roots, Use In Soil and Hydroponics.


We also use a product called Silica. This helps with the leaves cells to keep them stronger and thicker but also helps with variegation. It will help keep the white/yellow variegation like for Monstera Albos or Thais.


Happy and Healthy Plants! 

*We are NOT paid for referring any of these products. These are ONLY our opinion. 

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